1. Imagine only your home has been ruined in a major earthquake. What would you try to recover from the tangled mass of wood, concrete, iron and bricks? Make a list of TEN (10) very important things you MUST TAKE from the wreckage.
2. Imagine a tsunami warning has been issued. You have four minutes to get out of your home and escape by car to higher ground. You can take ONE weekend bag/backpack. What would you take? Make a list of FIVE (5) things you MUST TAKE. Prioritize and explain these choices. 3. Make two lists. One with the heading WANTS and the second one with the heading NEEDS. Add at least five items to each. 4. Now go back and see what you had listed in your lists. What does this mean about you and your priorities. Write a 1-2 paragraph comparison. It is a narrative of generational poverty: a boy is born to a mother who already has more children than she can feed in the ghetto of Chicago. The boy grows up hungry, steals and fights, purchases a gun and steals a car, attempts to run, but is shot and killed just as another child is born. QUESTION: What does the song imply? Why is the word "ghetto" repeated? New Unit, Terminology Matching Game, Journal and Diversity Banner
You are on the Imperial luxury spaceliner, The Solar Sunset, and the ship’s captain announces the following message to all on board: “Please do not panic! The ship has just hit an asteroid and we are leaking oxygen. The damage to our vessel is not repairable and we will be forced to evacuate. Unfortunately, the asteroid also tore away three of the four escape pods, leaving us with one. There is not enough room in the pod to save everyone. Because we won’t be without oxygen for at least another hour, we have a little time to decide who among us will be saved. Only four of us will fit."
1) Step One: Introduce yourself to the group and try to convince them why you should be allowed to survive. Remember that you are fighting for your life! 2) Step Two: After the introductions/appeals, the group must decide how to make its decision as to who is to survive. 3) Step Three: The group then will discuss who should be permitted to get on the lifeboat and make a final decision. ASSIGNMENTEVERYONE WILL HAND IN A REPORT WITH:
1) A list of sixteen people identifying who is the most valuable and most expendible. 2) SPECIFIC reasons why you made the decisions you did. 3) Your response to the overall activity, what went well in your group, what didn't go well and how you made decisions 4) How does the activity reflect how we make assumptions about people in our society based on their jobs, age and health? Today, we are lucky to have Ralph McIntosh, Arts Education Coordinator with the Rainbow District School Board, in class to do a drumming workshop with us.
If you were here, you got the mark. If you weren't, you need to: 1) Write a one-page report on the importance of drumming to world cultures OR 2) Create a poster on the importance of drumming to world cultures Today we started working on a class banner on the theme of DIVERSITY. As a group you chose a statement, started looking for images representing diversity and worked as a group to communal plan the mural, collect resources and complete its production.
If you were not here, you will be expected to take up the slack on Monday. Today we wrote our UNIT 2 TEST on Racism, Prejudice and Social Justice.
Today we started to talk about cultural appropriation and began to read the controversial article "The Difference Between Cultural Exchange and Cultural Appropriation."
PURPOSEI will be posting your work here but please know this is NOT a correspondence course. Archives
January 2015
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