Hello, my name is Jayson Stewart and, though this is the second time I have taught this class, I have decades of experience working towards equity, diversity and social justice locally, nationally and globally. Though my primary interests include LGBTQ+ rights, native rights, youth rights and racism issues, I am also interested in poverty reduction, equitable distribution of wealth, empowerment of disenfranchised groups, political accountability, body shaming and other instances where people's lives have been impacted by oppression in any form.
September 3rd - I just found out that our classroom will be one of only two at EHS to be converted into "21st Century" or "21C" classrooms. You will INSTANTLY notice a change in furniture and, in the coming months, more technology and other goodies to make our classroom super-collaborative, ever-changing, comfortable and fun!
August 31st - Our classroom is in old G10 which has been renumbered as E212.
June 30 - This website has been updated to prepare for the new 2016/2017 school year. I have made a call out to my many friends and acquaintances who have interesting lives to share. So far we have RIta O'Link (trans issues) and Heather Dahlstrom (poverty) already wanting to talk to you fine folks!
A Guide To Gender: The Social Justice Advocate's Handbook