Smudging is an important practice to people from many different ethnicities, faiths and cultural groups. Today, aboriginal support worker Norm Beauvais came in to talk about what smudging is to Canada's first peoples. We learned about who smudges, why some people don't smudge, the purpose of smudging, the inclusiveness of smudging and the protocol of smudging.
Those who wanted to and could were invited to smudge.
Those who wanted to and could were invited to smudge.
Assignment - those who were present
You already earned marks by being present.
Assignment - those who were absent
If you weren't here, you need to complete the following task by Thursday, October 16th:
Use the following resources and write a 1/4-1/2 page report on what smudging it is and why it is an important practice to keep alive.
Anishinaabe Ceremonies
The Medicines
Use the following resources and write a 1/4-1/2 page report on what smudging it is and why it is an important practice to keep alive.
Anishinaabe Ceremonies
The Medicines